Advanced Directives

An advanced directive is a document that provides your representative guidance, if they need to make a decision on your behalf, for medical or personal care.

Advanced directives also outline your personal values and beliefs to give your wishes context.

Please contact our office to set up an appointment for providing instructions for your advanced directive. We will then attend to the preparation of the document and schedule a follow-up appointment with the notary to have the advance directive signed. Please review the attached advanced directive for details of what information the notary may require.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a representation agreement and an advanced directive? Do I need both?

The representation agreement states who is going to be your decision maker, while the advanced directive is where you have the opportunity to express your wishes for health and personal care decisions. It is better to have both documents to provide your representative with some guidance regarding how to decide on your behalf. While it is possible to have one without the other, having an advance directive alone without appointing a specific person to be your decision maker could be risky, as you would not have power over who speaks on your behalf. Advance directives are not designed to cover specific medical scenarios, so your precise wishes might not be properly followed.

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